Friday, December 30, 2011

Gift of Words!

I celebrated my 47th birthday this week. We always get together as a family for each family member's birthday throughout the year. We have several traditions associated with our birthday parties. Usually, I cook the birthday person's favorite meal. Then, we always have a Baskin Robbins Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream cake. Along with a few other things, we participate in a tradition we call "Gift of Words." This is my favorite tradition of our birthday celebrations.

During this tradition, each family member takes a moment to share something with the birthday girl or boy--something they love about that person or something special about the person or maybe something special that they shared with that person during the year. It is always the highlight of our parties and is the greatest gift we receive on our birthday.

This year, my children got a bit emotional during our time and we cried many happy tears. I am so glad we have incorporated these "Gift of Words" ceremonies into our family celebrations. As I reflected on the things said to me by my family, I was surprised by the great way my family can articulate their feelings. Even my three-year-old grandson was clear in his expression of gratitude for "taking good care of him." Everyone shared different things from deep in their heart and soul. I was proud of them and assured them they are truly easy to love and take care of!

1 Thessalonians 5:11 says; "...encourage one another and build eachother up..." In certain translations of the Bible, the word "edify" is used in the place of "build eachother up." The word edify means; "build-up, establish, uplift, enlighten, and inform." I am always very careful to actively listen as my family informs me of what I have been communicating to them with my actions each year. This is a great way for me to be uplifted and also to understand what is important to them. For example, my youngest daughter said I always "make her feel at home even when she is gone away at college." Well, this comment really blessed my soul. I had prayed about what I could offer her when she went away to college. I set a goal to "be present in her life." So in this "Gift of Words" she confirmed I had heard from the Lord about what she needed and I had done a good job completing the goal.

Sometimes I feel it is so much more likely in our culture to communicate things that are going wrong and need to be changed in a person's life. I try to spend my days noticing the precious qualities I see in people and following through on sharing it with them. God has created people so differently and with so many qualities that are "in the image of God." It blesses Jesus when we rejoice in the people He has created.

I think this "Gift of Words" ceremony over the years has helped me (and my family members) to be more expressive about my feelings to those around me. I try to make sure I do not hold back any positive thoughts I am feeling about people. When I have an endearing thought or encouragement for someone, I blurt it out before I have time to analyze whether it is "worthy" to be said or not. Of course I should say it! If it is sincere and heartfelt then what am I waiting for?

So, go give someone a "Gift of Words" today! You will be building them up, establishing them, uplifting them, enlightening them, and informing them! Trust me, they need to be encouraged and we need to be free to share the loving thoughts that enter our hearts!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Celebrate Life!

Last Friday, I went to a "Celebration of Life" service at a local church. The woman who had passed away was the mother of one of my youngest daughter's closest friends. I had met this woman a few times, but did not have the opportunity to know her. As I listened, I found out what was important to her and what her life had meant to so many people! She was an amazing woman! Although her life was shorter than some, she had made a huge impact on all those around her. She was 55 when she went home to be with the Lord.

As I have gotten older, I have been to many services to honor and say good-bye to those who have passed away. It is a reminder to me that my time will come. I rest in knowing God says in Psalm 139:16; "...All of the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be." God knows all of my days on this earth. He has had them written in His book before I was even born. He has everything under control. He knows! And because He knows, I don't need to know! I can rest and trust Him to lead me each day!

But, what I do know is that we are all facing death. It is in the cards for all of us. And no one knows when it will come. Today, tomorrow or in 40 years. I believe it is a benefit to me to be mindful of the known fact of death and the unknown fact of when it will come in my life. This mindfulness has lead me to live out as many moments as I can in a present and intentional way. What I mean is even as I look forward to Christmas, I try to make sure I do not overlook the moments until then. Sometimes I feel we can look forward to something so much, we can accidentally wish away the days in between. This is something that I did when I was younger, but wisdom has stopped me from doing this today. Each moment is a precious blessing with the opportunity to make a huge difference!

As I reflect on the words spoken about this woman whom I did not know, I believe she lived a very successful life. I come to this conclusion because of the following testimonies from her family and friends. She laughed a lot! She loved deeply! She enjoyed people and the beautiful things God has given us in this world. She expressed her feelings without leaving unknowns! She gave her blessing to her children! She lived with conviction! She helped many people! She lived with great meaning! She used her creative energy! She did what only she could do! Most of all, she knew Jesus in this life and she is with Him now in eternity!

As I celebrate the birth and life of Jesus in this Christmas season, I will celebrate each moment! And I will give those that love me the gift of living each of my days here to the fullest! Loving, blessing, rejoicing, expressing, enjoying, making memories! Then, when it is time for me to go home, those I love will have every reason to celebrate my life! For my life will have been a testimony to the joy of Jesus and the life after that awaits in eternity! Celebrate life!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Don't Wait for Tomorrow!

I had lunch with a friend this week. I met her at Hope Cottage which is a homeless shelter I volunteer at. When I met her, she had been homeless for many years. She was defeated in life and hiding from herself and everyone else too. God gave me a great love for this woman! He reminded me to pray for her all the time! I knew from the day I met her, she had significant meaning in my life. So I followed the Lord in our relationship. I have known her for about 3 years now. She is a close friend.

At lunch she said something that has struck me. She said, "I feel like, it is my time now!" When I heard her I rejoiced out loud in the restaurant. (Not too loud.) This blessed me so much. I remember a time when my friend was barely living and always waiting for tomorrow. These words expressed the victory of Jesus in her heart and soul! So we rejoiced together.

When I met this friend, she did not know Jesus. She had no idea how much God loved her. She had no idea how valuable she was to the people around her and to God Himself. She did not understand she was created with a purpose and that the Lord had given her clues in her DNA about what that purpose was. For many years, she was ignoring the desires within herself to be who God created her to be. In essence, she was in a perpetual state of waiting instead of taking action toward the meaning of her creation.

Many people ask me day after day, "How do I know what my purpose is?" I have spent much of my life searching for this answer. I believe that on most days, I do function in the purpose for which God has created me. How did I figure it out? I searched within for what God put it me from the beginning and then I ventured out to practice and experiment and try to follow the directional arrows the Lord placed before me. I walked through the open doors He put in front of me even if I felt some fear. I did all this as I was bathing my life with the Word of God, the presence of God, and I did it with a willing heart. I realized that His plan for my life was better than mine and my ultimate satisfaction comes from fulfilling my God given purpose.

I have been listening to a song the last few days that has caused me to dance and sing in my car and in my kitchen and through my life in general! It is called, "Why am I waiting for tomorrow?" by Mandisa. Here are a few of the lyrics;

I can't live my whole life wasting
All the grace that I know You've given
'Cause You made me for so much more than
Sitting on the sidelines

I don't wanna look back and wonder
If good enough could have been better
Every day's a day borrowed
So why am I waiting for tomorrow?
Why am I waiting for tomorrow?

It has been a pleasure watching my friend over the last three years go from homelessness and hopelessness to renting a room and having a future filled with hope. She is 58 years old and now registered to take classes at our local community college. This has been a dream of hers since she can remember. She has always loved to learned but has been waiting for years and years for the right time. I am glad that she expressed, "Now is my time!" I believe that now is your time too. So whatever you have been waiting for, whatever is in your heart and DNA, whatever your dreams and hopes; don't wait for tomorrow! It does not matter if you are old or young or somewhere in the middle. Now is your time! God has created you for "such a time as this."