Monday, April 18, 2011

Heavenly Moments

Recently, I was looking over some pictures from my daughter's wedding which took place last summer. I ran across a picture of a time at the end of the wedding where everyone in the room had a smile on their face. We were preparing for the bride and groom to leave for their honeymoon. Some of the kids had handed out bubbles for everyone to blow as the bride and groom walked through a tunnel of guests to their awaiting limo. But that is not what happened.

The music was playing and the dance floor was filled with guests and everyone began to blow bubbles. The room was filled with a sort of magical feeling as everyone smiled and quietly got lost in blowing bubbles. When my daughter and her new husband came out to leave, they joined in the bubble blowing fun. It was one of those times that could not have been planned, but just spontaneously happened. It was beautiful! The room filled with floating bubbles. It felt like all thinking had stopped as we surrendered to this moment of renewed youth, love, and pure enjoyment. This moment stretched out to forever.

I believe this is how heaven will be. No deadlines. No rushing. Nothing pressing to worry about. Simple enjoyment! Appreciating the moments, loving the people, taking in our surroundings with all of our senses; just being. And all of this in the pressence of God! Amazing! It states in Revelation 21:4; "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever." Hallelujah!!

I know it blessed God that day when we all got lost in the bubble blowing moment. We threw out the schedule and the plan. We filled the room with love and wonder. We gave in to our childlike, carefree nature. We trusted and did not think seriously about anything. We were all together BEING in the moment. I believe we worship God when we can truly surrender to BEING in the moment. He is the Creator of the time that we live in. He is the author for these heavenly moments. His presence is with us and He is enjoying our childlike freedom!

I love the story of King David coming into the city of Jerusalem with the ark of God. It was a moment that he had waited for. In David's day, the ark of God was the place where God's presence dwelled. He had tried to bring the ark into Jerusalem at another time and it had not worked out. So, when the ark came into the city, he rejoiced. It says that he was dancing and celebrating in 1 Chronicles 15:29. David's life was filled with many tough decisions. He had experienced much pain and sorrow in his lifetime and he would experiece more after this moment. But, he put all of his cares aside and he surrendered to the freedom of dancing in the streets. He gave in to the joy in his heart and let it out!

I pray as we go through life, we look for and give into these times of pure enjoyment! God gives us the privilege of calling Him; "Abba, Father." This word translated is; "Daddy." (Galatians 4:6) When I relate to God as my Daddy, I can live in a childlike place knowing that He is looking out for me and taking care of everything. This gives me the freedom to take the time to blow more bubbles and find more of these heavenly moments!


  1. So lovely. I remember childhood summer afternoons blowing bubbles on my grandmother's porch. Definitely heavenly!

    Bless you,
    Judy :)

  2. I love heavenly moments!! Thanks for enjoying with me!! Bless you!!
