Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Faith Like A Child!

On Sunday after church, my husband and I hiked up Mt. Eldon with some friends. It was a beautiful day! I so enjoyed being outside, doing a bit of rock climbing, and the conversation was great! At one point in the hike, I twisted my ankle. I was involved in a conversation so I ignored the pain in my ankle and continued skipping, hopping, and jumping along the trail.

When I returned home, my daughter and grandson were working on a project in the kitchen. I joined in, standing and walking around the kitchen for the next two hours. All of a sudden, I realized my ankle was screaming at me! I looked down and showed it to my daughter. Her eyes became wide as we saw the swelling. At that point, it was getting hard to put pressure on it, so I left the kitchen and went into my room. I changed my clothes, and headed upstairs to sit down and elevate my ankle.

As I tried to walk, the pain was extreme especially now that my shoe was off. I began to wonder how I was going to get through the week! I even had to crawl up the stairs because hopping was hurting my throbbing ankle. As I reached the couch, my younger grandson, who will be 5 this month, came to sit next to me on the couch. "I am sorry your foot is hurting, Grandma!" he said.

At this point, I began to pray for healing. The pain was really strong and I began to think it might be broken. I was telling the Lord I could not possibly get done all that I needed to do this week, when I heard Him make a suggestion that caught me by surprise. The Lord spoke clearly and said, "Have your grandson pray for your ankle!" Wow! I had not thought of that.

So I asked my young grandson to pray for Jesus to heal my ankle. And he prayed this way, "Heavenly Father, please heal my grandma's foot. In Jesus Name, Amen." As he was praying, he rubbed my ankle starting out softly and then going deeper and deeper until I had to tell him to stop. Then He got up, smiled at me and began to play basketball.

As I sat on the couch, I could feel the swelling in my ankle going down. I looked at it and began to move it a bit and it was HEALING! As I talked to my grandson about it, he said, "Yeah, it is healing because I prayed for it to be healed. Jesus healed it!" I know this is a moment he will remember as he goes through his life! By the time I went to bed, I could walk! The next morning the pain was completely gone. I even worked out yesterday!

I love the faith of children! My grandson had no doubt that Jesus could heal my ankle, so he said a simple prayer and believed! God used his little hand to heal my ankle. He used this little boy because he was willing and had faith! I want to always be available to distribute the miracles of God to those around me in my life! I want to have faith like a child and in all circumstances know Jesus can do all things! Knowing nothing is impossible with God, and everything is possible!

Luke 18:16. "Then Jesus called for the children and said to the disciples, "Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn't receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it."


  1. What an awesome moment for both of you! Thanks for this reminder of the blessing of childlike faith!

  2. My grandmother passed down her faith to me! It is the greatest miracle to see it in my generations! I know she is smiling in Heaven! Jesus is alive and He heals! Amen!
