Friday, September 28, 2012

Fear Struggle!

The other day I was sitting on a plane with my husband when I began to have some chest pains. I have a fear of flying but usually the Lord helps me overcome this when I am on planes. So the chest pains surprised me since I was feeling peaceful at the moment. As I sat in my seat wondering what the best thing to do was, I began to pray.

In my moment of prayer, God reminded me to depend on my husband in these moments of fear. He is a levelheaded man and makes good decisions. Despite my feelings of desperation, I calmly told my husband, "I am having chest pains. They are about to close the door to the plane. Do you think we should get off?" He reached over to rub my head and said, "Honey, you are going to be fine. Lay your head back and rest for a while." I did not agree with him! I was sure I was going to die in the air! But it was the Lord's idea to ask my husband in the first place. As I realized I have been in this position before, I did what I was told even though everything in me said to get up and get out quickly! I have learned that sometimes things are not as they seem. Feelings of fear can be very deceptive! I trusted my prayer and my husband and my Father in heaven! So I closed my eyes, laid my head back, and surrendered!

Before take-off, I began working on a project I had brought in my bag. As I became distracted by this, my chest pains eased and I realized a few minutes later, I was actually enjoying the flight. The Lord had helped me to overcome the fear and I had become productive and filled with joy once again.

The thing about overcoming fear is the feelings are still there. The fear still lives in my feelings, but I do not let these feelings control my actions. I don't live in fear although sometimes I feel it. My actions are based on faith in a God who loves me and has done everything to save me from my fear! He has given it all so I can have faith in my weakest moments.

I write this today, because I have encountered several people with life-altering fear this week. I say life-altering because I know they are being inhibited from reaching their dreams because of fear! I am writing this to stand with them as a person with many fears, but a person who has not let fear stand in the way of my dreams! I have overcome these feelings and have walked through them. I am no longer ruled by fear! Yes, I do feel it, but when I feel it I do not let it stop me!

Revelation 12:11 says,"They overcame him (the enemy) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death." I believe if I had not realized earlier in life that Jesus shed his blood to give me freedom, I would have essentially lived a life dead to my dreams and gifts. I would have been a person waiting for death instead of living in the fullness of life Jesus provided for me.

So today I am testifying. I have gone to the top of the Empire State building although I felt fear. I have confronted people I love although I felt fear. I have flown to China on a thirteen-hour flight although I felt fear. I have spoken in front of groups of 300 or more people although I have felt fear.

I have exchanged my fear for faith! I live today in victory over fear! And my life makes a difference even in all of my weaknesses and fears! Your life is important and your dreams can be realized! Please join me in trusting God to walk with you through your fears! When you feel fear, pray, and walk straight at it until you get to the other side! Your life is worth living! And living is a state that exists in faith not fear!

1 John 4:18- "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear..."


  1. I love the way you express the fact that fear "lives in our feelings", but does not have to control our lives. Fear is so deceptive -- and convincing -- that we need reminders that God walks through it with us, and is stronger than any of our fears.

  2. Amen! The Lord is stronger and always available to help us through! Bless you, Kim
