Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Celebrate Life!

Last Friday, I went to a "Celebration of Life" service at a local church. The woman who had passed away was the mother of one of my youngest daughter's closest friends. I had met this woman a few times, but did not have the opportunity to know her. As I listened, I found out what was important to her and what her life had meant to so many people! She was an amazing woman! Although her life was shorter than some, she had made a huge impact on all those around her. She was 55 when she went home to be with the Lord.

As I have gotten older, I have been to many services to honor and say good-bye to those who have passed away. It is a reminder to me that my time will come. I rest in knowing God says in Psalm 139:16; "...All of the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be." God knows all of my days on this earth. He has had them written in His book before I was even born. He has everything under control. He knows! And because He knows, I don't need to know! I can rest and trust Him to lead me each day!

But, what I do know is that we are all facing death. It is in the cards for all of us. And no one knows when it will come. Today, tomorrow or in 40 years. I believe it is a benefit to me to be mindful of the known fact of death and the unknown fact of when it will come in my life. This mindfulness has lead me to live out as many moments as I can in a present and intentional way. What I mean is even as I look forward to Christmas, I try to make sure I do not overlook the moments until then. Sometimes I feel we can look forward to something so much, we can accidentally wish away the days in between. This is something that I did when I was younger, but wisdom has stopped me from doing this today. Each moment is a precious blessing with the opportunity to make a huge difference!

As I reflect on the words spoken about this woman whom I did not know, I believe she lived a very successful life. I come to this conclusion because of the following testimonies from her family and friends. She laughed a lot! She loved deeply! She enjoyed people and the beautiful things God has given us in this world. She expressed her feelings without leaving unknowns! She gave her blessing to her children! She lived with conviction! She helped many people! She lived with great meaning! She used her creative energy! She did what only she could do! Most of all, she knew Jesus in this life and she is with Him now in eternity!

As I celebrate the birth and life of Jesus in this Christmas season, I will celebrate each moment! And I will give those that love me the gift of living each of my days here to the fullest! Loving, blessing, rejoicing, expressing, enjoying, making memories! Then, when it is time for me to go home, those I love will have every reason to celebrate my life! For my life will have been a testimony to the joy of Jesus and the life after that awaits in eternity! Celebrate life!


  1. This post blessed me! It reminds me of Theresa of Avila's quote, "The Lord walks among the pots and pans." There is something sacred and worth celebrating every moment.
