Monday, April 25, 2011

A Smile Can Change Everything!

The other day, I was coming out of my local grocery store pushing my cart filled with groceries. I was deep in thought and felt overwhelmed by the circumstances surrounding my life. I felt like no matter what effort I put in, things were just not turning out the way I had hoped for. As I took a few steps out of the door, I realized that I was parked on the downhill side of the parking lot. Usually, at this moment, I would feel the urge to give my cart a push and jump with both feet up onto the cart and take whatever wild ride it would give me. But, not on this day.

As I continued walking, I decided to take the ride even if I did not feel like it. Maybe it would lift my mood and lighten up my heart. So I proceeded and realized in the middle of the ride, I was smiling. It is funny how smiling can change everything. In Proverbs 31, it describes the characteristics of an amazing woman. Verse 25 says; "...she smiles at the future." This word smiles in Hebrew means; to laugh, to play, to rejoice, to amuse. Although my day had not started out great, this action of riding the cart changed my attitude. It caused me to gain perspective by shifting my thoughts to something I loved. I don't know why I love to ride grocery carts, but it is part of who God created me to be. I have loved these rides since childhood and the amusement has not worn off.

As my ride came to an end, I opened up my car and began to unload my groceries. A young man who was collecting the carts came up behind me and said, "Not enough people do that." As I turned every shade of red, I asked him in a quiet voice, "What did you say?" And he came a little closer and with all sincerity, he answered, "Not enough people ride the carts." I smiled at him and saw that I had also lifted his spirits and added a little joy to his day. He took my empty cart and he walked away with a skip in his step. As I reflected on this encounter, I realize he had observed my joy. He could have said, "Not enough people have joy." At this moment, my mind was flooded with all of the opportunities around me. With each step into life, I have endless opportunities to make myself smile and help those around me smile too!

What is it that you love to do? Paint a picture, play a guitar, skip, jump, dance, sing a song, swim, ride an elevator, run up the down side of an escalator? I don't know what does it for you, but I do know when we do some things, we can't help but smile! Many times in life, we cannot change the circumstances around us, but we can embrace the things God has given us. We are surrounded with opportunities to find joy. In Nehemiah 8:10, it says; "...the joy of the Lord is our strength." If you are feeling down today, as I was the other day, what can you do that will make you enjoy this day? No matter how bad things look and feel, we are always in reach of a moment of joy that could lead to a smile! And, a smile can change everything!


  1. This really spoke to my heart today. I've been learning that even a simple break can make all the difference. My mom calls them "little happinesses". :)

  2. Your mom is a wise woman!! Glad this blessed you today!! Love:)
