I am creating this blog in an attempt to fulfill the purpose for which I was created. As I look back in my life, I have always been a coach at heart. Since the time that I can remember, I have been standing on the sidelines of the lives of the people that God has brought to me encouraging, instructing, and providing training to help them to reach their potential. Even on the playground in elementary school, I found myself coaching the weaker players on my team so that I could win the game. At that young age, I realized that the weakest player could make a difference in a win or lose if they were given just one instruction and made to believe that they could make a difference. This applies to all areas of life.
When I looked up the word, coach, the definitions I found did not include the word encouragement. This was surprising to me because in all of my experience as a coach, as an athlete, or student of anything, it has been the people who instructed me with encouragement that have had the greatest effect on my life. In my opinion, a great attribute of a coach is to notice the gifts and talents in people that they have not yet been made aware of. Then, you can give them instruction and encouragement to help them grow both personally and in areas of skill such as soccer.
As I prayed about this blog, I came across a few definitions of encourage that really fit with my coaching style: 1. to inspire with courage, spirit, or hope, and 2. to fill with courage or strength of purpose, and 3. instilling life, energy, courage, or vigor into something. A synonym that I like for encourage is embolden- the giving of courage sufficient to overcome timidity or reluctance. I have emboldened my players on the soccer field and I have emboldened women at the local homeless shelter. I believe that the essence of coaching is having an ability to help people understand what they need to do and also help them to believe that they can overcome the obstacles that stand in their way.
In 1 Thessalonians 5:11 we are commanded to encourage one another. I pray that my words will encourage you in your walk with Jesus. I pray that God will use my words to help you in overcoming obstacles in your life. I pray that the Lord will use this as a way for us to encourage one another.
I saw this the link to your blog from Facebook, and just had to pay a visit! You definitely have been encouraging to me since the day we met. Can't wait to read more of your blog--count me as a follower!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Judy!! I am blessed to have you in my life.
ReplyDeleteLove, Kim
Hi Kim,
ReplyDeleteI have read your magnanimously inspiring blog. Thank you. Please continue to deliver the message you feel God has moved you to share. We need you.
I have done some morning reflection this morning and found myself reading of Mother Teresa of Calcutta. What a blessed soul of God she was. When she began her ministry in Calcutta, she wore no shoes on her feet and began to help, (Love and encourage), those who were poor, hungry and unwanted. She opened the doors in many Communist nations to receive her ministry as she calls it, " a calling within a calling."
I believe deep down inside your heart, and Judy's as well, you both have a wonderful calling to please and serve the Lord.
God lovingly takes away our misery and replaces this that we are with the grace of His Mercy. He desires only to feed us with His grace.
I am re-devoting myself to His Goodness and Mercy and ready to receive His graces as He has meant for it to manifest Himself in my life.
Your blog may open many channels in peoples lives. God love you Kim and please continue to prosper in His Love, kindness, mercy, and grace.
Your friend,
John Evans (Judy's husband)
Thanks, John! Your words are so encouraging! No wonder you and Judy get along so well. You are a writer too. May the blessings of our Lord pour upon you today. Your friend, Kim
ReplyDeleteHello Kim,
ReplyDeleteI was hoping to ask you take a look at my blog when you have the opportunity. I could potentially require some coaching to get me through my most adverse moments in my life. It may pose a challenge to you, but I would put my faith in you when help is needed.
I had some very rough periods of time as a small boy and as a young man. I am just coming to grips with it in terms of writing about my suffering.
It would mean so much to me if you were to read and include your valued input from a Christian perspective.
Judy already does this but I can not ever hear the goodness God has in store for those of us who have suffered terribly.
Thank you Kim, very kindly.
Your friend,
John Evans
John, Why don't you send me your blog in my email. Judy has my address. I will read it and pray for you. I will try to keep writing encouraging blogs. Bless you, Kim
ReplyDeleteKim, reading this brought back very fond memories. Then I realized some of my strengths came from knowing you and playing sports. You always pushed to be your very best and gave 110%, NEVER GIVING UP! I think I have been following you in spirit my whole life and I know God just brought us back together. Thank you and blessings, Teresa
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words. I have admired how you have overcome many obstacles in your life. Your words are humbling to me and I am blessed to have known you for so long. I pray that our Lord will continue to encourage you with my writing.
Love and blessings,