For the past two years, I have felt a burden in my soul about the place my oldest daughter and grandsons were living. I can't explain it other than to say, it was often on my mind and I was determined they were supposed to move. This burden lead me to a two-year prayer and exchange with Jesus about where they would live and how He would make it happen.
When I began crying out to God about this topic, there were many obstacles standing in the way. Over the two-year period, four battle plans fell through and it seemed like she would never move. During this period, I did not allow discouragement to win this battle!!! I kept praying, "Lord, do a miracle to make this plan happen or give us something better!" I refused to believe this promise would not come to pass! The only thing I knew was the Lord had spoken, so I continued to fight for this promise God had given to me!
As this summer began, I felt lead by God to read the book of Joshua in the bible. I have read this book before, but I never noticed an obvious lesson. When God spoke to Joshua after Moses had died, He said in verse 2; "...the time has come for you to lead these people, the Israelites, across the Jordan River into the land I am giving them." God was giving them this land. It was a promise God had made to Moses over 40 years before. This land was a gift from God!!
But the thing I had not realized came up in verse 6; "Be strong and courageous, for you are the one who will lead these people to possess all the land I swore to their ancestors I would give them." I had never thought of this before!! Joshua had a role and God planned to use him to bring forth His promise.
And, so Joshua began his journey into the Promised Land. There were many battles, but the battle did not depend on Joshua, the battle depended on the Lord!! In all of the battles, Joshua followed the Lord's battle plans! God did supernatural things like confuse the enemy's camp and cause the sun to stop in the sky until the Israelites won the battle!! He also gave instructions that made no human sense like march around Jericho blowing trumpets!! But, no matter what, Joshua clung to the Lord and believed Him. He did exactly what he was told and lead Israel into the land the Lord had promised them! And they had victory after victory as they began to possess their gift from God!
As I read through this, I saw similarities to my fight for the promise God had given me! In the beginning, I cried out to God about the burden in my heart for my daughter to move. I asked God about the move!! Was this His plan? I felt confirmation that He had put this burden in my heart and this was His plan!! I prayed each day for the outcome I believed was a promise from God. I asked the Lord where? I drove through the neighborhood I believed He had given to my daughter! I walked and prayed through the neighborhood. I asked God how this would happen because the obstacles required a creative plan. I keep my eyes open and searched for the answer on the streets of the neighborhood, on Craigslist, and other websites I felt lead to use as a tool in my battle. I watched as He did supernatural things to lead me to the promise!!
I kept this up for two years!! And as I read about the Isralites being given their Promised Land in the ending chapters of Joshua, my daughter and grandsons moved into their Promised Land too! God had chosen me to be used as a leader to fight the battle to receive this promise! It was so exciting to find myself reading the journey of Joshua as I saw the fulfillment of the journey the Lord had taken me through! It was a beautiful thing!!!
My heart is filled with gratefulness and joy!! The move for my daughter and grandsons has propelled them into so many beautiful promises God has given me beyond what I had imagined! It has made a huge and positive difference in their lives and the lives of my whole family!
This recent battle has built my faith to a greater level. I am so confident in sharing all burdens that arise in my life with the Lord! He is so worthy to trust and depend upon! I knew this when this all started, but with each day, I believe it more and more!
I am so sure that no matter what battle lies ahead, I will fight with the Lord to receive each and every promise He gives to me. I will do exactly as He says and depend on Him completely! I will tell Him of the burdens in my heart. I will trust Him to right the wrongs. And I will participate in the battle in anyway He chooses. It is a joy to be part of God's plans here on earth. It is hopeful to trust in Him. He is worthy of all of my praise! He is God!!